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Matching InVision


On-cutter matching of plaids and stripes increases accuracy and throughput

The GTxL GERBERcutter®  system is available with a new on-cutter option, the InVision™  Automatic Matching system, for the highest quality plaid and stripe matching. The unit’s multitasking operating system carries out matching and cutting operations simultaneously, for optimum productivity in your cutting room.

The InVision matching system improves the finished quality of plaid- and stripe-matched products by compensating for fabric irregularities and delivering thread-to-thread accuracy of cut parts. It improves productivity by completely automating the matching process, thereby eliminating errors that can occur when using manual or semi-automated matching processes. Labor and material costs are reduced because there is no need for skilled operators to manually match fabrics or for material to be “block” cut.

The InVision matching system uses an intelligent vision system to simplify and enhance matching and cutting of plaid, stripe, and print fabrics. An advanced camera and optics system enables the operator to “zoom in” on critical areas for added precision. A state-of-the-art lighting system and imaging techniques achieve precise matching even through plastic overlay.

If, at any time during the matching process, the system is unable to match a piece without causing an overlap, it automatically provides alternative solutions, or permits the operator to override it and correct the overlap manually.

The intuitive User interface makes any manual piece-to-piece matching as simple as sliding an image into place on the screen, giving the operator complete control of the match, and allowing the operator to make corrections for irregularities in the fabric’s repeat pattern. The InVision matching system’s PicturePerfect™  technology corrects for distortions in the fabric spread, so the processed image appears as it will on the finished part. The PicturePerfect technology results in increased accuracy of matched goods whether matching manually or automatically.

Apparel manufacturers can establish piece-to-piece matching relationships based on a pattern piece’s relationship to the fabric or to other pattern pieces.
Furniture manufacturers can take advantage of the InVision matching system’s automatic piece rotation capabilities. The InVision matching system’s ability to compensate for badly bowed and skewed materials guarantees a perfect match, even on less-than- perfect goods.

The system provides a choice of matching methods to match your pieces. These include point matching, flow matching, spot matching, five-star matching and engineered pattern matching.


2010 Incamtec Co.,Ltd.